IRS Tax ProblemsIRS News

President Obama appointed Danny Werfel as the acting Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service in light of the targeting scandal. Mr. Werfel was the Controller of the White House Budget Office.

On May 22, Mr. Werfel will replace Stephen Miller, who was forced to resign as a result of the Service’s selective scrutiny of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.

Mr. Werfel will serve until the fiscal year ends on September 30, 2013. Because he is an acting Commissioner, he doesn’t require Senate confirmation. The President has not nominated a permanent Commissioner since Douglas Shulman concluded his appointment last November.

As the head of the Office of Management and Budget, Mr. Werfel was in charge of all federal programs on financial reporting, selling surplus government property, and streamlining government purchases and information technology programs.

The IRS also announced that another official, Joseph Grant, who oversees tax exempt organizations, will retire June 3. Mr. Grant was only appointed to that position on May 8. A bit of irony is that when he was appointed, Mr. Miller (who was forced to resign) stated that Mr. Grant would, “provide strong leadership and continuity.”