How do you get info from the IRS?
When you find out that the IRS is coming after you for problems with previous tax issues, call the firm of Len Stauffenger, Esq. to help you obtain your files. We’ll work with you to craft an expert solution that satisfies the IRS and leaves you whole.
When did your problems begin?
One of the first questions that may develop once you learn the IRS has initiated an action against you is wondering when your problems began. The IRS may not initially supply you with the paperwork you need to understand your issues fully. By utilizing the Freedom of Information Act, you are entitled to petition for access to all files relevant to your case with the IRS. This can be a tricky process to navigate, but the professionals at Len Stauffenger, Esq. can hold your hand every step of the way.
What happens next?
Once we help you obtain your necessary paperwork, we’ll analyze it to understand the IRS’s case and allegations better. In some cases, IRS cases stem from complete misunderstandings that routine filings can help eliminate. Other cases are more intricate and require us to work together to design the right plan of action for a successful outcome. We can help you determine whether it’s appropriate to propose a settlement to the IRS, appeal a prior decision, ask for forgiveness on what the government says you owe or remove garnishments or liens from your income and property. Occasionally, we may find that the statute of limitations has run out for your tax situation, leaving you free and clear once we file the appropriate paperwork on your behalf.
Arming yourself with information
Regardless of the type of case the IRS has filed against you, information is the best weapon in your arsenal. In addition to helping you obtain your files through the FOIA, we’ll also help you make sense of your records and information and determine when it’s necessary to dig even deeper and for more data. You may not even realize what you have that’s helpful to your case, and that’s why partnering with our experts can help you reach a better outcome. Time is of the essence when it comes to IRS cases. The government must file against you within specified time frames, which starts the clock ticking regarding how quickly you must submit your response or appeal.